Tuesday, July 8, 2014


In a way we are all failures.
We have failed before and we will fail again.
That is inevitable.
But you know the god thing about failing?
It gives you a chance to start over.
Maybe things weren't going all that great anyway, you called it a failure and now you can try again.
Maybe you were working on your health and you fell off the health bandwagon. Well, that's okay, start other and start something new. Give something else a try.
Maybe you had a relationship that was becoming toxic and so you break-up, you divorce. Yeah, it's sad or hard and it sucks...but now you can try something new. You can try to act different or change the things that were bad before.
Failure doesn't have to mean defeat. It can just be a way to start again and try something new.
If what you are doing isn't working for you, if you have failed to stick to your goals or failed to stay happy, or failed this or that. Well, that's okay.
You can start again.
Did you know that I started college right out of high school? I did, I even had a scholarship to go for free because of my grades in HS. But life happened and while I didn't flunk out I was dealing with a lot of things that made it difficult for me to go or to concentrate on what I needed to be doing and eventually I just dropped out. Even of the local community college.
Did I feel like a failure?
That'd be a BIG right on.
Did you know that I was in a relationship from the time I was 17 until I was about 24? I was. When the relationship ended (in part because of his alcohol addiction and in part because we had just grown up into different people) did I feel like a failure?
See I had had this idea in my mind that I would be able to somehow help him. And I didn't. (Well, maybe in the long run it did, but it didn't then.)
When I left my job at the pharmacy and I ended up having to go back to the gas station that I worked at as a teenager did I feel like a failure?
Well, a little. But the truth is that I LOVED my job there so I didn't mind it at all.
When I started eight million diet plans and I ended up going off them and gaining back what I had lost and often more, did I feel like a failure?
Hell yes I did.
And I guess that in a way I was.

But I realized something. Those plans SET YOU UP TO FAIL.
I honestly think that any 'diet' plan sets you up to fail. Anything that is restricting what you eat or making you think too much about it will fail. Why?
Well for a few reasons.

1- They get old/restrictive. Look, no one can live their whole life without bread or ice cream. Who would want to?? Not this big girl!
2- They are time consuming. Now this is a difficult one to deal with because the fact in that you will HAVE to put more time into your food planning. Running out to MCD is easy, but it's not the best option..BUT once you learn what is good and what isn't and what an ACTUAL portion size is you can just go with that and you don't have to spend time looking up and counting points or whatever.
3- They don't TEACH you anything about healthy eating. I'm not picking on this one particular plan, but I have done this plan so I can talk about it. I lost weight on the 'points' yeah. But look spending my points eating at McDonalds is NOT ideal.
I don't deny myself any foods now, but I don't think, "Well, I have 20 points left so I'm just going to go get a Big Mac instead of eating food that has nutritional value." They don't TEACH you about healthy eating and healthy food. How on earth are you going to continue doing this if you get off this plan.
I know that some people will say that you can stay on this plan forever, but I don't have the time or the desire or the patience to be counting and figuring points my whole life.

Anyone can decide to do a diet plan. ANYONE. But it wasn't until I decided that I was tired of dieting, I was tired of FAILURE that I really did something that changed my life.

I changed my life.
I changed how I thought about food. I changed what I ate and got rid of most of the foods that weren't actually food but just food like substances. I educated myself about foods. I made exercise a routine, I made meal planning a routine. It's hard, it takes time sometimes (see #2), but I am so much better for it!
Now when I have days or even weeks when maybe I don't stick EXACTLY to an eating plan I know that it's not failure, it's human. No one will ever eat perfectly all the time. That doesn't make me a failure, it makes me someone who likes food! (HA)

If I miss a workout I'm not a failure, I just missed a workout. (To be honest now though I almost feel bad when I miss one!)
On more than one of the 21DF exercise videos Autumn says, "If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting."
Those are TRUE words friends!

You don't have to be a failure or feel like a failure. You can start again. Use your past failure to be your future success. You know what doesn't work for you now, so lets find something that does work!

If you are tired of failure and you want to get some tips for success, but maybe you aren't ready to commit to a program yet, that is FINE! You can sign up for a FREE account (see link below) and let me coach you if you decide to get a program sometime great! If you don't that is fine too but we can do this together. From one failure to another....


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