Thursday, June 19, 2014

21 Day Fix Day #1: What Will I Eat?

21 Day Fix Day #1
I think one of the biggest issues that anyone has with any type of health and fitness plan is "Will I be hungry?" We are so fortunate to live in a world where we really don't know anything about hunger. As I talked about on Day 0, when you see these containers you think that you will be STARVING, but, alas, you will not. So I wanted to give you an idea of what I ate today so you can see first hand that you will not be starving at all! In fact you may find yourself thinking that you are eating too much. So here is my Day 1!
Shakeology Shake
Right now I have the Vegan Chocolate. You can really tell a difference missing those animal proteins. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, but interesting how it changes the flavor. I mixed mine with Almond milk this morning. They suggest you use water (or coffee), but 3 times a week you can use almond milk. I also added coconut to mine.
So I used 1 RED (Shake-o); 1 YELLOW (for the milk); and 1 ORANGE (my coconut).
2 eggs; 1 slice of bread (I made French Toast, it's just in cubes); strawberries
Ok, this was one of my favorites for the day by far! It was probably my largest meal of the day, I think I used all of my colors, but it was yummy!
This is a chicken Salad with sweet potato and raspberries/blueberries!
I grilled the chicken on the George Foreman (I love this thing) then chopped it up to go in the RED container. I got like 3 or 4 chicken tenders in there once they were chopped. The salad is on a bed of spinach. *Note DO NOT get iceburg lettuce, it has ZERO nutritional value.* Since I have an issue getting in the recommended 6 servings of Veggies a day I used 2 GREEN for the spinach as you can see in the top pic there was a TON of spinach! 
I used another ORANGE for some dressing. This was totally my bad as I forgot that I had already used my orange for the day with the coconut, but who wants a salad with no dressing? That was my bad.
I had some sweet potato as well. For the purpose of showing how it fit in the container I scraped it out of the peel you can see it above in the YELLOW container.
My dessert (fruit) was in the PURPLE container.
Again, while I like Veggies just fine, getting in what they recommend for me 6(!) is difficult for me. So for my post-workout snack I had veggies (1 GREEN) and some ham (6 slices=1 RED). 
Okay, maybe this was one of my favorite meals of the day. I thought that I would get to go to the grocery before hand and I could get some leaf lettuce for this, but as some of you may know, I am HORRIBLE at time management, so I ended up reusing my spinach (but I didn't mind, really). I had a TexMex type salad. Grilled Chicken (I fixed a couple of packs so I just used what I still had); spinach; tomatoes; black beans; avocado; and strawberries for dessert.
So my count for this was 2 GREEN (tomatoes and spinach); 1 RED (chicken); 1 YELLOW (back beans); 1 BLUE (avocado- healthy fats; 1 PURPLE (strawberries)
So I was still missing a few containers. I didn't want to skimp on protein (which I was missing) and I think I was missing a fruit too. I was feeling like I would really like a dessert ( a REAL dessert) of some type. Remember that you get teaspoons as well (mostly meant for nut butters, etc) I used this to my advantage. I get 6 teaspoons and so I used them!
My dessert consisted of a RED container of Fage 0% Greek Yogurt (plain); 2 tsp, of mini chocolate chips (the brand I get on these is called Enjoy Life. I love these because they are dairy, soy, nut, and gluten free basically everything free but they still taste like regular chocolate chips and are great!); 2 tsp of peanut butter (normally I don't do peanut better because as a type O blood person peanuts are not great for me, but Almond or Cashew butter is very expensive and still so caloric. I have discovered PB2 a powdered peanut butter that also comes in a chocolate version as well. It only has 45 calories in two tablespoons. You just mix the 2 T with some water and tada! and it really is delicious); 1 tsp organic honey; 1/2 banana.
So this was 1 RED; 1 PURPLE; and 5 TEASPOONS
So this was my day of eats, as you can see I wasn't having to skimp on ANYTHING! In fact if anything I think I may have eaten too much! I'm going to give it a week and if I still feel this way I will move down to the calorie level beneath this one.
Okay, so I talked about the food, now let me talk about the workout for today. I will go ahead and tell you that while I will be following her workouts as they are laid out, I will probably still be running too. I have become quite fond of running and I would like to keep it up. I purchased a Fitbit (see earlier post) and I have set a goal of 60 very active minutes a day. So, I will get 30 from the DVDs and then I will do my running for prob 30 min as well.
*NOTE: This 60 minute goal is MY goal! I started with just 30 minutes too! (The recommended amount.) It was only after about 4-5 months of exercising and everything that I chose to shoot for an hour. You may not be able to do an hour starting out and that is OK! YOU do what YOU can do at the pace that you can do it!*
Okay, back to the 21DF workout. Seeing as how I started on a Wednesday, Wednesdays are LEG DAY! (Lower Fix) If you are new to exercise or really out of shape (admit it, you know if you are) there is a lady on the screen that does modifications of all the moves. She does basically the same things but maybe not as deep with any squats and everything. They do show her during pretty much every exercise so you can see what she is doing, she is right in the front. Believe it or not, she is actually a larger woman (well larger than the other women on the video). These workouts are intense don't get me wrong. You will sweat, you may shout a little, but in a good way.
She has these broken into 4 rounds, with 2 exercises in each round. Each exercise lasts for 1 minute, there is a 15 second break between exercises. YOU WILL LOVE THE BREAK! They are necessary sometimes! LOL.
I was concerned because I was winded after the warm up, but it went well. Some things were easier than others (I have yet to perfect the perfect 'lunge'). I used the heavy set of weights that I have (5lb) and they felt more like about 15 by the end! My legs felt jello-y afterwards but it was all good, it was a good kind of hurt.
I will remember on Wednesdays it is best to do my running BEFORE the DVD because trying to run after doing that is not too fun!
Over all this was a really good workout. The time really did go by fast overall even though sometimes the minute that you were doing one move or the other was not fast. Afterward you really felt like you had a good workout in your lower half.
*Day 2 note: My legs are sore! I woke up the morning and thought, "Legs? Knees? What's up?" then I remembered! Steps, chairs, and toilets are not my friends today! So I guess that is proof that I really did work those muscles yesterday!*

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