Wednesday, July 16, 2014


We allow fear to rule our lives.
Don't act like you don't, because you do.
We are afraid of so many things, both real and imagined.
We are afraid of being ourselves, we are afraid of failure, we are afraid of trying because we are afraid of failure, we are afraid of what people will think or say about us when we do something, we are afraid of commitment, we are afraid of wasting our time or money, we are afraid of going outside our comfort zone, we are afraid of not living life to the fullest, we are afraid of not living up to our potential, we are afraid that we will leave things undone or things unsaid, that we will die young, that we will live to be too old, that our kids won't be successful, that they won't go to a good college or get a good job, that our parents will get sick or die, we are afraid of being afraid, we are afraid to live it seems like.
Look there are a million effing excuses out there for why you don't do something.
But all you need is ONE reason TO do it!
There were a million reasons that I had to not start living a healthier lifestyle. It was expensive, it was time consuming, it was hard, I was fat, I was really fat, I felt bad, people would look at me strange when I tried to exercise or came out of the GNC, no one would get it.
Because lets me honest, that meme is true: bring out a Whopper with large fries and a coke and no one bats an eye; bring out brown rice and chicken with veggies in a Rubbermaid container and folk lose their minds.
This is really what we have made our society. Where if you eat healthy food you are weird because you aren't supposed to eat that and if you lose weight you must be 'doing something' to get there.
What if what you are doing is now giving a flying f**k about yourself?
Wouldn't that blow people's minds?
But don't you do Beachbody?
Yes, but Beachbody isn't a fad, it isn't a lose weight quick scheme, it isn't restrictive, it isn't one of these passing BS things that you see on TV that tell you that they are healthy.
Beachbody is exercise and teaching about healthy eating habits that you can keep with you forever!
I did Beachbody not because I thought it was a quick fix (I knew it wasn't) I did it because I had hit a plateau with my weightloss and I was getting tired of doing the same stuff for exercise. I wanted something new.
Was I scared? Frig yeah I was scared! What if I wasn't able to do it? What if it didn't work for me? What if I didn't like it? What if I failed? It wasn't cheap and we don't have extra money.
But you know what? I pushed past that sh*t. I had to.
I decided that out of all the FEARS that I had I had a more important reason to do this. Of the hundreds of fears and doubts and excuses I had ONE BIG REASON.
I decided to respect myself. I decided that I needed to be somewhere near the top of my list. I decided to love ME and take care of ME.
I don't think or expect people to understand when I go and spend money on my nutritional supplements or my pre and post workout supplements, or the Shakeology. Frankly I don't care if they understand. I understand that I am doing it for ME. Because I want to feel better and I want to be better and I want to get over all those crappy fears.
Maybe you think that people won't understand.
Maybe you are afraid of failure, maybe you are afraid because it will be hard.
It is hard.
Changing your life and your habits is hard.
I'll tell you this.
I know your fears.
I had those fears.
Fear can be crippling.
All that I'm asking you to do is commit to YOU.
Don't commit to me or to a program, commit to YOU.
Commit YOUrself to a program.
Commit YOUrself to being healthier.
Stop being afraid.
Shut those voices in your head up because they don't have your best interest at heart.
Take the chance because you may not get another one.
You may not have another day or another chance to make the choice that will change your life.
We cannot, cannot allow fear to rule our lives.
To take a Biblical view of this, do you know that in the Bible God says a total of 365 times "Do not be afraid", that is once for every day of the year.
What do you have to fear?

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