Monday, July 7, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 19-20: The Home Stretch

21 Day Fix: Day 19-20: The Home Stretch
So close.
I am so close that I can see the end. Literally, because it's tomorrow.
Sorry that I haven't taken any photos of my food in a few days. Ugh, honestly I've been busy and just haven't thought about it.
Yesterday was just yoga day (there isn't a doubles option on Sunday). I didn't do the yoga, instead me and the girlies (my pooches) went on a hike. It was about 5 miles certainly not our farthest hike but it was hot and the way wasn't easy and honestly I thought they were going to die before we got back to the car. (It was so bad, even my pibble went in the creek and she HATES water.)
So considering all I had eaten prior to this excursion was my Shake-o, and by the time I got home I was hot, tired, blistered, and had to shower because I smelled and I found a tick on me, the last thing I felt like doing was cooking.
We had pizza and bread sticks.
Was it in line with the plan. I'm sure that the emphatic answer for that was NO, but given the calories that I had burned from this walk I felt like maybe I was still in the clear with that.
Today is Monday, Day 20. I'm excited to do my measurements and everything in just a day! It's a little exciting. I know that I have not been 100% on the eating plan and that is okay. No one is perfect, I don't expect you to eat perfectly all the time with every plan either...we are human and some days we go to festivals or we want a Hershey bar, or we don't feel like cooking and get pizza. It happens.
I don't think that not always eating the right foods 100% will like totally throw off everything that I have done and honestly I don't feel that bad about it. I'm a work in progress, you are a work in progress... we will never be perfect and I'm okay with that. I just try to be a little better everyday, you know.
I'm in a bit of a rush today so I will just show you what I ate and not go into huge detail about it.
You know, old reliable. :)
 Consisted of 2 eggs, scrambled, 2 GREEN of spinach, and 1 PURPLE of peaches
Steak tips, mashed potatoes (box mix), peas (FYI, you can fix a crap-ton of peas in that green container!), and strawberries
I had my Shakeology for dinner. Added in a small banana, PB2, and some dark chocolate chips.
I forgot to take a picture of my dinner tonight because I was in class. But I had 2 RED containers of ground turkey; 1 GREEN of peas; 1 YELLOW of mashed potatoes.
It's going to be a late one for my workout tonight. I think that I will do a few tonight. The usual Full body cardio (Dear Surrenders, I hate you) and the Abs, Upper Body, perhaps Pilates or Yoga, I guess that we will see how I feel. I hate having to wait so late, but you know, stuff happens.
Tomorrow is Day 21! I can't believe it that I have made it, with only a few flubs and NO MISSED WORKOUTS. (Well, I didn't do the one yesterday, but I hiked instead) So tonight even though I am tired and I don't feel like it....I'm gonna do it and do more than one, why? Well, because I stuck with something and that is really something!

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