Wednesday, July 2, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day #14: What Are You Listening To?

21 Day Fix: Day #14: What Are You Listening To?
1. I love Chris Stapleton, I really do. The man is a genius and you know, very easy on the eyes too.
Anyway. While my topic today isn't about a break-up it is an important question.
What are you listening to?
No, I'm not talking about your Spotify list. I'm talking about the voices that come at you everyday. Are you listening to the people that build you up? Or are you listening to the words that tear you down? Are you listening to the truth or are you listening to the lies?
What we listen to makes a huge difference in our lives. If we listen to the downers, we will be downers too. If you listen to the people who say that you can't, you won't, you aren't good enough or strong enough...guess what?
You will believe them.
But the good news is if you choose to listen to the people that build you up, if you choose to listen to that little voice in your head that is telling you that you CAN, you WILL, you ARE good enough and you ARE strong enough, then guess what?
You will believe them.
Who you surround yourself with is so crucial in our lives. If you surround yourself with people who build you up and who are going up themselves then you will head up too, if you surround yourself with people who put you down and who are going nowhere, then you probably won't go anywhere either.
Maybe that's okay with you. Maybe you are happy where you are and you don't think that you need to go anywhere. But maybe you aren't. Maybe you think that you need to be moving up and out, maybe you have discovered that there are people more like you than those that you always thought were like you.
If you have then you need to do what another voice tells you to do. YOUR voice!
That's right YOU have a voice. Imagine that! Ha!
One night when you are sitting alone or when you are about to go to sleep just stop for a second and listen. Listen back to the voices that you have heard all day and decide which voices you need to listen to and which ones you need to turn off. It is never easy to get toxic people out of your life, but if you continue to listen to all the Negative Nancies in your life then you will become one too.
There was a time when I listened to the other voices. I listened to those people who told me that I wasn't good enough, I listened to those voices that told me that I would never be able to it, that I wasn't good enough that I wasn't worthy.
You need to tell those voices to shut the f**k up! Seriously.
Choose to listen to the positive words in your life and if you don't have any you need to find new people to be around them to listen to.
So tell me, what are you listening to?
The Food
For BREAKFAST I had my Shakeology with coffee, hazelnut flavor, and some almond milk.
My favorite ever! Ha! Fage Greek yogurt, Mixed berries and peaches, Udi's GF Vanilla granola.
Such a great lunch today. A big lunch because I had just done my #21dayfix workout and ran. Also I had things to do tonight and knew I may not have time to really eat.
1 Nectarine
1 Rudi's GF Wrap with Ham, Cheese (1/2 blue), lettuce, and Vegenaise.
Special K Popcorn Chips (GF - I only filled my container, I did not have the recommended serving on the box)
Mixed veggies with Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing 
Taco Salad and Fruit.
Salad consisted of Perdue Short Cuts SW Style Chicken, MarketFresh Salsa, Go Veggie! Vegan Mexican Shredded Cheese, Mixed greens lettuce, black beans, avocado and sour cream (lite).
Frit was Nectarine, Watermelon, and Cantaloupe.

The Workout
Today was Upper body day. I LOVE arm work. Really I do. I also ran (short, just a mile) when I got through.
Tomorrow is the last week starting and if you choose to you can start to double up on the workouts for the final week. I'm planning on doing this. I also don't want to stop running. It suggests to do them at two different times, which makes sense because going all out like that for an hour would be difficult. Maybe I could do my 30 and run and then another 30 later. I doubt that I will do the last three days eating thing so I can at least do the double up the last week thing.
I keep powering through and I hope that you will too!

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