Sunday, June 29, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day #11-12: Time

I have been bad these last two days, not posting this like I should. So today I'm going to just give a little talk about time.
Time means a lot of different things. Time can mean planning or waiting, time can mean just a number time can be a sentence or time can be freedom. Yes, time is a very strange type of thing.
I can say that I didn't post this weekend because I didn't have time, and that is true. I had to do laundry, I went home to VA, I played a show I have had to study for a test in school, do my workouts, do my food planning.
I have made time to talk to friends, I have spent time doing this, I set time aside to catch up on some of my Beachbody training. Time, time, time. Our lives are all about time.
Let me tell you something about time.
Time will drive you insane.
Time can keep you prisoner or time can set you free.
We make time for everything. We make time for school and for family and for our kids.
Why not make some time for yourself.
Make time to do something for YOU. Make time to keep yourself healthy and happy and fulfilled.
Time is a strange thing.
Make sure you use yours to the fullest.

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