Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Open Letter to My Friends about Purpose

You will see me post often on my Facebook about Beachbody.
I will encourage you to maybe sign up for a free account, or share your journey to health on the page, or try Shakeology, or try a fitness program.
 If you do these I may make a commission from it.
This is not about me making money.
I will encourage you to try the programs because I believe they work. I will encourage you to join the community because the community is awesome! It's full of people who genuinely care about you, who really want to see you succeed. It's full of awesome women and men who are just like you!
I didn't do this to make money. If I do, that's great. But honestly if you never buy a thing from me that is just fine. My goal isn't to push product.
My goal is to help people. To help people like me and like you who just want to feel better. If the help that you need from me is just having someone to message you on FB and ask if you moved for 30 minutes today that is FINE.
I don't feel like exercising everyday.
Some days pushing play on that DVD player is like trying to push an elephant up a hill.
I don't feel like cooking everyday.
Some days I may just want to get a pizza or go to McDonalds. And some days I might. I'm not perfect. My body isn't perfect, my life isn't perfect. I am not a health and fitness guru.
I'm just someone who got tired.
I got tired of feeling bad. I got tired of having no energy. I got tired of feeling like life was passing me by. I got tired of being obese. I got tired of making excuses for not doing things because of my weight. I got tired of the stomach problems, the headaches, the body aches, the depression. I got TIRED of it!
I got tired of knowing that I wasn't living the life that I knew that I could. I got tired of not being able to easily find clothes that fit. I got tired of feeling second rate.
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to help people. Look, most of you know me and you know that I don't always like people. It's true. Sometimes I want to just be at home and not see another soul besides my dogs. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about people.
I care that there are people out there who want more and who can't get it because of their social status or their weight or their education or whatever reason it is. I care about that. I care about that because NO ONE is better than anyone else. You may act better (meaning that your moral codes are better) but that doesn't make you better. Just because I don't steal or I haven't killed anyone doesn't make me more deserving of the basic human desires than anyone else.
The fitness world wasn't for people like me.
Cute workout clothes are made for people who are already fit. Fitness commercials show people who are ALREADY fit. Fitness videos show people who are DONE. Even gyms are geared toward people who are already fit.
This is insane.
I felt like it gives people who are morbidly obese the impression that they don't deserve to be healthy or that they can't succeed.
Let me just tell you that is crap.
I understand that you don't know where to start. You don't want to tell anyone that you are struggling. But why? Is it embarrassing? Well, yeah, a little. I know I was embarrassed. But I have gotten over that shizz.
I still struggle everyday. Everyday I still have #fatgirlstatus! LOL. Food was something that I started using to cope with a bad relationship and I became dependent on using it to deal with pretty much all feelings that I had. That doesn't go away. You have to reshape your outlook on yourself and your food.
When I think about all the things that I ate saying that they were food that were little more than chemicals strung together to resemble food like products I cringe now. I feel good! I feel stronger! For the first time in a LONG TIME!!
And I want to share that. I want to share my motivation, I want to share what worked for me because it may work for you. I want to share my struggles and help you with yours. I want to let you see that no matter where you START you can FINISH. I want you to be able to run and play with your kids or grandkids, I want you off that HBP medication or insulin, I want you to be able to feel good. I want to be there through your successes and help you through your failures.
If you never spend a dime on Beachbody products with me I don't care. Really, I don't. But if you miss out on the chance to have someone who will really, really invest in YOU, well that is a let down for me. That is what will bother me down the road. I don't want your money. I want to show you that YOU CAN DO THIS! I want to show you that being healthy and fit IS NOT about being a size 2, it is NOT about looking like the models in the magazines, it's about being the best YOU that you can be.
If you don't feel like you are being your best you, if you think that you would just like to have a community of people around you who are going through the same thing, if you just want someone to encourage you or keep you accountable, why not sign up for a free account with me? It's a way for me to keep in touch with you and us to encourage each other. You can see what is working for me and for others and feel out this whole healthy lifestyle thing.
You can use this link to sign up for free. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY. I don't care if you ever buy anything. If you decide to GREAT and if you don't that doesn't mean that I won't still support you whatever your goals.
My purpose is to pay it forward.
What's yours?

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