Thursday, July 3, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day #15: Weapons

21 Day Fix: Day #15: Weapons
Yesterday I talked about what we listen to, who's words we let have weight in our lives. But this goes both ways. Being a better citizen isn't just about being healthy and strong, it's about being to others what we would like to have ourselves.
All the words that we say are what someone is listening to. It's impossible to think that we will be in a good mood all the time or happy all the time, we won't that isn't in our nature. There will be times when you are angry, when you rant and that happens. But we have to realize the great weapon that we have in our words.
One of the reasons that I chose to go into a helping profession is because I want something beautiful to say. I want to never fade away and live forever. The words that we say will live on long after we are gone and it is so important that we use our words, not as weapons, but as a way to build up those around us.
We use our words to protect ourselves. We will make jokes about ourselves, we will brush off things people say or maybe say something back. Are we adding value to ourselves or others when we do that?
Of all of the weapons in our arsenal of life our words are the ones that have the most meaning. Words can cut deeper than anything and people don't ever forget them. That old rhyme that says, "Sticks and stones can break my bones; but words will never hurt me" is certainly not true. Your words are your strongest weapon.
A number of years ago I was in an abusive relationship. It wasn't really physically abusive, but the man was emotionally, mentally, and verbally abusive. In the years since we broke up I have reflected back and thought to myself that I actually wish that if he was going to be abusive he would have hit me. Bruises and broken bones heal, but the scars from the things that he said I still wear and I will probably carry them with me forever. No one ever forgets your words. Ever.
The next time you start to say something to someone, take a moment to think about what they are listening to. Take a minute and think about what you are about to say. They may not be hearing anything good, they could be hearing only words that are used as weapons.
The Food
Chocolate Shakeology
Whole Small banana
1T. PB2
5-6 cubes ice
Vans GF Blueberry Waffle
2 Eggs, boiled
Mixed berries, Watermelon and Cantaloupe

(no photo)
Mixed Greens Lettuce
Pork tips
Black Beans

Fage 0% Green Yogurt, plain
Mixed Berries, frozen Laura Lynn
Chopped pecans and GF Mini Chocolate Chips

Lamb Meatballs
Sweet Potato
Wow, these were pretty great. You could use any kind of ground meat really. I got the lamb because it was on meat mark-down that day. But just mixed it with some Italian bread crumbs, sweet/hot mustard, one egg, and some spices. Made into balls and placed in a mini-cheesecake pan. Baked on 400 for about 15-20 min. Made a little glaze from mustard and honey for the top.
The Workout
Today is the last week of the fix! Could it really be that it is almost over already? This is the week that the DVD says that you can double up your workouts to maximize your results. I think that I may do this. I guess that it will just depend how I feel when I get through today. Wednesdays are leg/lower body day. Ugh, my least favorite I think, oh, I need to stop complaining I guess. I should just suck it up do my hour and maybe try to get in a short run.
Okay, post workout today and I realize that I am stupid. I mean, like stupid.
Since this is my final week I decided that I would bite the bullet and do the doubles option for this week. My weeks start on Wednesday so today was leg day as usual, and the extra workout that the recommend is the 10 min Ab fix. Well, I thought that I would go a step farther and do this extra DVD that came with the challenge pack the Plyo Workout. I had no idea what it was, but I committed to do it.
I was an idiot.
The video came on and she's like, "Its Plyometrics" and I'm like that's cool, and she says, "A lot of jumping" and I said, "crap!" I mean my legs were already on the cusp of jell-o mode. BUT, I did it. I modified some of it (which I probably would have had to do even if I hadn't just done the Lower Fix). The important thing- I finished. I almost died and my legs almost disarticulated from my body and left me...but I did it! Then I went ahead and did the 10 min abs.
And then.......I ran half a mile. I was aiming for a mile, but I'm telling you that was NOT happening today. I mean I had already put in over an hour and the whole mile was just not something I could do. I mean I could have sucked it up a few more minutes, but honestly I think I was good to get as far as I did. (My knees are not the best). You know this is the time to really give it a final push and get as much a

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