Tuesday, July 1, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day #13: Cant' Never Could and Won't Never Would - The Lost Dr. Seuss Tale

21 Day Fix: Day #13: The Lost Dr. Seuss Tale
This is a tale, I hope you'll enjoy
One that is important for every girl and boy
Maybe you know them, and maybe you don't
This is the story of Can't and Won't
Can't and Won't lived in Same-ole-same Town
Where not much new ever came around
But they didn't mind too very much
Their lives were busy with things and such
Every morning at a quarter past five
Their alarms would sound and they would come alive
They'd work and play and eat and snooze
Then park on the couch and drink some booze
They were tired all the time and their bones would ache
Soon they had had about all they could take
But day after day and year after year
They did the Same-ole-same and stayed right here
Can't was overweight and Won't was sick
And nothing they tried would do the trick
They tried every get well quick scheme
But quickly learned it was all just a dream
At night they would go to bed with a sigh
Wondering if there was something else they should try
What was the answer? They didn't know
But their age was definitely starting to show
Then one day a stranger came around
One from outside of town
They lived in a place just over the hill
A place called Why-Don't-You-Try-Itville
The stranger was happy and healthy and fun
Everywhere they went they went at a run
Can't didn't understand and Won't was afraid
What kind of portion had this person made
The stranger explained that in their town
They didn't spend their days just sitting around,
"We used to," he said, "But then one day
Someone suggested we go out and play
Then someone else made some good food
and suddenly we were all in a better mood.
We all felt happy and healthy and strong,
And we forgot about all the things that were wrong
Whenever we started to fill sick and tired
We'd go for a run and then we'd feel wired.
Instead of chips and Coke and Candy,
We kept veggies and fruit real handy!
The more we moved and the better we ate
The more we wanted to go outside our town gate
We wanted to tell everyone in other towns
How to turn upside down their frowns."
"We don't understand", Can't and Won't whined,
"Why would you come here and be so kind?
We've tried all the potions and all the schemes
But they have all crushed our dreams"
"It's not a scheme!" The stranger cried,
Feeling good isn't a secret that people can hide.
You have to try hard, you have to work
Anyone who says otherwise is just being a jerk.
Why don't you just give it a try?
You'll see you could reach for the sky!
If you wanted to you could go high,
Why, I bet you could even fly!"
Definitely not, Can't mumbled back,
"motivation to do that is something I lack."
"It won't be easy," the stranger replied,
"I wouldn't have done it, it I hadn't tried"
But Can't and Won't still refused
too afraid that they would lose
The stranger came back day after day,
But Can't and Won't just said, "GO AWAY"
Then one day the stranger came around,
but Can't and Won't couldn't be found,
The stranger looked high and low
What happened to his friends he did not know
The stranger would return again and again
but no one was there to welcome him in
Then one day someone stood at the gate
and when the stranger saw them he could hardly wait
He ran to the gate thinking it was his friend,
but a new face was there to welcome him in
"Who are you?" the stranger said
But the new face just sighed and shook their head
He wondered where his friends had gone,
but this new face led him to their home
There in their beds, Can't and Won't lay
Unsure if they would make it through another day
"We should have listened" the brothers said
And tried something new before we were dead
If we had just not been so nervous,
we would have given you the chance to serve us
We would have listened to all you knew
and exercised and eaten better like you
But we put it off day after day
and so here in these beds we lay
But their strange new friend wouldn't give up or give in
He came to visit the brothers again and again
Soon everyone is Same-ole-same town
was glad to see the new friend come around
They put away their chips and cakes
and ate better food for goodness sakes!
They no longer sat in front of the TVbox,
they'd go for a swim or a run in their socks
Soon Can't and Won't were back on their feet
and everyday they would walk and meet
with the stranger there at the gate,
someone they now regarded as their new mate
You've saved us for sure! They told their friend
and we will never go back again
to the same-ole-same that got us down
You changed our lives when you came around
The moral of this story is clear,
lean in close, I want you to hear,
Change can come and it will
If you just give in and go over the hill
Stop being stuck in the same-ole-same
and be glad that your opportunity came,
don't stay sick and down
Take the chance and come around
You'll feel so much better and be glad you did
All the bad things your life you can rid
Just but forth some effort, just suck it up and try
Cause Can't and Won't didn't till they were bout to die.
The Food
I was really horrible about this today. Accidently deleted EVERY food pic because I thought that I had uploaded them to the computer, guess what? That's right, I hadn't. :(
I will be honest and say that this weekend I ate a couple brownies at my parents. I counted them off as carbs and made do. Even tonight I ate a few things that I shouldn't at a time that I shouldn't. I'm not perfect. Not at all!
Please remember that as you make the decision to eat better and be healthier, this doesn't mean that you will never eat another slice from The Cheesecake Factory, this doesn't mean that Ben & Jerry will never be your house guests again. It just means that you will try to do that less. Maybe you get the cheesecake and just eat half at a time, maybe you split it with your sweetie. (Yeah, I wouldn't do that either!)
You don't have to stop living or stop enjoying food! You just become AWARE of what you are putting in your body.
The Workout
Everyday it's getting a little better. Don't get me wrong, it's still hard. I still finish covered in sweat and smelly. But that's good! I try everyday to do a little more, go a little harder you know. Wednesday will be two weeks.

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