Sunday, June 29, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day #10: "...I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

21 Day Fix: Day #10: "...I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
The Talk
Dorothy hid from a tornado in her black and white Kansas town and work up in a magical techni-color dream world.
I have always been bothered  little by Dorothy's whole deal. I mean, she lived in Kansas, that could not have been the first tornado that she had ever seen, she could not have been ignorant to what a tornado does.
After she sees that the storm shelter is closed what does she do? She goes back in the house! Really, Dorothy?
You go back in the house and you call for your Auntie Em again? Like she isn't already in the storm shelter?
I feel like that wasn't a very smooth move on her part.
I guess that we all make dumb decisions sometimes.
But Dorothy's dumb decision had her waking up in a magical land where everything was bright and beautiful and horses were colored and people flew in bubbles and you could kill people and instead of going to jail you were called a hero. Monkeys are evil and fly, lions are scaredy cats, and inhuman/animal beings talk.
I really wish that my bad decisions had that kind of outcome. Good grief.
But here in the real world our decisions usually don't have a magical outcome. We still try to find the Emerald City, we still just try to get back home. Even though Dorothy had ended up in a pretty okay place, well, except for that Wicked Witch trying to kill you thing, in non-movie world the places we end up are usually not so wonderfully colorful and magical. The places we end up are usually dark and undesirable and only magical if you snort it, smoke it, or shoot it.
I'm sure when Dorothy went back into her house she had no idea that when she next looked she would be so far from home and so far from everything that she knew.
I'm sure also that we never think that either.
I'm sure that when you are moving through life willy nilly you aren't giving a second thought to where your decisions can make you end up. When you are a teenager or in your twenties you don't think about where your decisions will lead you, you don't think about where you will end up. You THINK that you may end up in that techni-color dream land over the's a little tidbit of info for probably won't.
You probably will not make a dumb decision and end up being greeted by the Lullaby League and the Lollipop Guild. You will wake up in the house of the Wicked Witch being torn apart by flying monkeys.
See every decision leads us on a journey.
Sometimes it's a journey to wonderful places, sometimes not so wonderful places. But no matter the place that we end up, we all just try to get home.
And home doesn't have to be a place. That doesn't mean that you are trying to get back to your Podunk town it means you are trying to get back to YOU. Trying to get back to the world that you know, that you want to know.

If you look around at your life and you think that you aren't in Kansas those heels!

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