Tuesday, June 24, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day #7: When You Want Something So Bad

21 Day Fix Day #7: When You Want Something So Bad
This isn't really about fitness, but I do think it has to do with health. Health isn't just about eating, it's also about your mental and emotional well-being.
We all have that one thing. That one thing that you want so badly that you would do anything to get. It's usually not an actual thing, most of the time it's a person or a level of achievement, something that has consumed your mind and your soul.
I've had these things before. It has never been a material thing, always it has been something emotional that I have sought. Maybe it was love, you know that special kind of love. The kind that you get fed in movies that probably isn't really real at all but you are made to think that it is. Maybe it was pride. You wanted to stand on top of the mountain and shout, "Look what I have! Look what I did! Look what I have accomplished!"
We usually don't get those things.
We usually don't end up with that person that we want so badly. We watch them move on with their lives, maybe we move on with ours and we put on this mask and pretend that everything is right with the world. We pretend that we don't die a little inside every time they turn their back, every time they fall out of touch, every time they Facebook with some other person, every time they forget who you are, every time they don't believe that your feelings are what they are, every time they talk about how they are happy.
We usually don't end up with that house or that car or that job or that look or degree or income or whatever it was that you wanted. We learn to be content with what we see as mediocrity, with what doesn't fulfill us.
Why do we do these things?
Why do we spend years mourning something that we never really lost? Why do we feel robbed of something that we never had to lose?
It's funny how our minds and hearts work.
There are times that we can get so down about what we think that we are missing that we can barely get on with our lives.
It's so frustrating when you are giving or have given all that you have to someone or something and they don't get it. They don't give it back, they don't understand. You don't get that position or whatever you wanted.
We always want something better, something more, something that we just know will make us happier.
Maybe we are right. Maybe having that guy or that girl or that job will make us happier. Maybe they are your soulmate, maybe it is your calling.
But you don't have it.
You're stuck. You're stuck with what you do have.
Or so you believe.
I think that in our minds we all have to make the decision if we are going to go for what we want or if we are going to give up and be happy with what we've got.
I don't think that you should ever, EVER settle for what you have.
Never look around in your life and think, "well, this is okay." If it's not what fulfills you, if it's not what makes you happiest, if it's not something that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, if it's not something that you look forward to. Maybe it's not for you.
Maybe that thing that we want so bad we want because in some way it was meant for us. I like to think that.
I like to think that when you are unhappy with your circumstances because it's not what you always wanted it's because you aren't through growing. You aren't rooted yet.
What does that mean? It means that you can still MOVE. You can still change! You can still get that thing that you want so badly.
I don't believe that you can ever let go of something like this. You just find ways everyday to either get closer to it or move on without it.
Either way, it's hard.
It's the same for your health. If you have ever seen yourself healthier, more fit, more confident, DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS!!! Don't give up on that want, that vision, that need, that desire of your heart. Don't settle, please.
Chocolate Peanut-butter Banana
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1/2 banana
1T PB2 Peanut butter
5-6 ice cubes
Ha, ha, I know what you are thinking. I said, quick, easy, effortless. I was running late this morning so I didn't even have time to put this in my cups to start I had to bring it with me and make it when I got hungry. But it is great!
Frozen Strawberries, thawed
Udi's Gluten Free Cranberry Granola
Fage 0% Plain Greek Yogurt
Enjoy Life GF, Soy, Nut & Dairy Free Mini Chocolate Chips
Simplicity is something that I find important with meals like, a lot. Why? Because I have horrible time management skills. I mean, they are bad. So I enjoyed that this was so very simplistic and yet delicious.
Medium apple, chopped
Raw veggies (broccoli, carrots, & cauliflower)
Hormel Naturals GF Ham, 6 slices
Eye of Round Roast
Leaf Lettuce
Raw Spinach
Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing
Dinner is a time that most people probably find most difficult when you are changing your eating habits. Why? Well because maybe you have a significant other or kids in the house who have no interest in changing how they eat. So what happens when you have to feed your family, they don't want what you are eating (even though there is nothing wrong or special about what you are eating. Good grief.
Well, maybe this can help you. I posted it last week but made it again tonight and tweaked it a little. It gets a thumbs up! It's quick, easy, and if you have kiddos, they may even enjoy helping you.
The best news? I was able to eat 2 of these babies!
Rudis Gluten Free Plain Tortillas
Raw Spinach
Kraft Italian blend shredded cheese
Feta Cheese
Tomato Sauce, plain
Perdue Short Cuts pre-cooked GF chicken tenders
Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb
Preheat oven to about 425. Spray tortillas lightly with cooking spray and put in oven to crisp up. They have a tendency to curl, if you want them to stay flat you can put a smaller pan on top of them to hold them down. Once the first side is brown/crisp, flip and do other side.
Once crisp top with tomato sauce, and toppings of your choice.
Place back in oven to melt any cheese.
Wah-la! See, so quick, easy, and delicious!
Today was upper body day. The last day of the week cycle. That's right I'm a week in. Sadly this also means that tomorrow is leg day again. But I don't want to think about that. HA!
So today was upper body. I LOVE upper body. I didn't like this as much as Dirty 30, but it was still pretty great. My arms ache. I mean typing this is a little painful. But it's a good painful.
Arms, back, chest, and even some ab work today. It was a good day. As usual the workouts are challenging, you really have to push yourself sometimes to get through the whole 60 seconds. But remember you are only having to do YOUR best. If you can't make it the whole 60 seconds at first that isn't a problem, but you should at least try, do as much as you can. Slow progress is still progress and I promise you that it will come.
Keep it up!

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