Friday, June 20, 2014

21 Day Fix: Day 0: Why I Did It

21 Day Fix: Day 0
The Beginning & General Info
I became a Beachbody coach. It wasn't easy that I came to this decision, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I just had excuses why I wasn't doing it and no real reasons.
I had MANY excuses actually. Things like, you still have a lot of weight to lose, you are FAT why is anyone going to get fitness products from you? You still have so far to go, what if you never get any customers? What if you fail? There is a monthly maintenance fee, etc, etc, etc.
So, I took the plunge, I did it. Because I realized that the fact that I still had a long way to go WAS my selling point. In January I made the decision that THIS would be my year! That I would make a comeback this year. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired I was tired of feeling like I was cheating myself out of life.
I started to eat better and exercise more. I didn't start out going full tilt, oh no! When I started this transformation I weight 318.4lbs. I'm not proud of that, but it's the truth and if I can't be truthful then what good am I to you?
I got a treadmill and started walking. NOT fast. I mean I was lucky to do a 25 minute mile on that thing. It was nothing to be proud of. I bought a Fitbit (see earlier posts), I started using some calorie counter apps on my phone and really watching what I ate. I cut out (most) of the gluten, dairy, carbs, processed foods...and you know what? I started to feel better!
Come May I had hit a lull in my weight loss. I was still seeing the body fat % go down (which I know is better than weight) but the numbers on the scale were stuck and it was FRUSTRATING! I had lost about 65 pounds and I was nowhere near done.
So this Beachbody idea that I had been throwing around for weeks came back into my mind. Maybe this would give me a shake up, maybe this would be something that would get me over the hump. It would most definitely keep me accountable to myself to my team mates (Yay Freedom Dynasty/Dynasty United/Bombshell Dynasty!), and it would keep me accountable to YOU!
My point was to show people like me who were impossibly overweight, who had really grown unhealthy that they COULD do it. That no matter where you were starting you could finish.
Like Beachbody reminds us - all you have to do is: DECIDE. COMMIT. SUCCEED.
The attached video will give you a little insight into why I chose the 21 Day Fix program, what the 21DF is and how it works.
I'm excited to take you on this journey with me. YOU will hold me accountable and I hope that I have awesome results and experiences to share with you.
When I complete the program I would like to start a Challenge Group that will give YOU the chance to join me in committing to a healthier lifestyle. I hope that maybe you will read or see something that will spur you to action to!
Onward we go!
*Fair warning the video is a little long, but I really try to go into detail to tell you about the program* You can always skip ahead.

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